“Saints are born not for themselves, but for the liberation of humanity.”
Baba Jaimal Singh
A spiritual Master can coach us practically so we know what to expect at each step on our spiritual journey. He gives us, through the connection he has established with the Absolute, a boost to help us to access the hidden dimension of the soul. Once we have this access, we gradually discover our spiritual adept is connected with us as a subtle guide that works through the Light and Sound we find within us.
This is the competency of a perfected spiritual Teacher. Such a guide stands by our side as an advisor, to offer protection and all feasible help. He can advise us of possible dangers, point out pitfalls, and provide comfort, encouragement, and support to assure we complete our spiritual course.
The Living Guide and Spiritual Master of today is Sant Khem Singh. Click here to read more about Sant Khem Singh.
The Definition of the Master in the words of Sant Thakar Singh
Masters come on this earth plane with a special message and commission from God. Through such human poles God Himself works and relays His sacred message. They have the same power as that of God. They are all mercy, all forgiveness, and they forgive for the sake of forgiveness.
The law of justice (as you sow so shall you reap) is put aside by the Masters, and they extend mercy. Those souls who find shelter in them are not taken to task, in spite of their sins or many blunders. As Christ said: ‘You who are weary and heavy laden, come unto me, and I will give you rest.’
The soul that comes to the Master is unburdened of all the stored karmas and finds a way out of the inexorable law of action and reaction. The Master receives the soul with all love, with all forgiveness. ‘God is love and love is God, and the way back to God is also love.’ The teachings of the Masters are only one-third by mouth and the other two-thirds are learned through receptivity.
Spirituality is not taught by the tongue, but caught through receptivity. And receptivity begins with the Master. The Master has such a power in Him that He digs out the heart of the initiate, makes it soft, makes it receptive, then sows it with spirituality. So it is with the mind, also. On the very first day the Master makes the mind receptive.
He then opens the inner eye to see the light of God and the inner ear to hear the divine sound. Once connected with the inner light and sound, the soul, with the guidance and protection of the perfect Master, begins the homeward journey to God.
We can never depend on our own efforts but should turn to the Master. It is a great privilege if we find the truth from a Master who has become one with the Divine. Only such specially commissioned saints can take souls back to God.
Sant Thakar Singh
It is difficult to identify a true Master of the Word who can take the soul back to God. Still, such authorized Masters do have certain outer behavioural characteristics.
- He earns his own living and is never a burden upon anyone. All his personal savings, if any, he spends on the relief of the needy.
- He does not charge any fees for imparting spiritual instructions. On the contrary, he bestows spirituality as a free gift like any other gift of God such as light, air, and water.
- He is a living embodiment of humility. With all his powers and greatness that co-equal God, he never claims credit for anything but attributes everything to God or his Master.
- He does not perform miracles for attracting people and gaining their credence. He keeps his treasures well concealed in the deepest recesses within him. He may, if necessity demands, make use of his powers on some special occasion.
See also the free book, Godman by Sant Kirpal Singh, available as a free PDF.
The Duty of the Master in the words of Sant Thakar Singh
It is not that a Master is free after initiation. He is responsible for you to take you to God, the highest, the Nameless One, the eigth plane. When he accomplishes this duty, then the Master is free because you can now enjoy and he will also enjoy.
It is important to find a competent living Master who imparts the everlasting inner connection of the soul with God and who will guide us further until we have reached our goal: oneness with God.
But my dear, there is a life companion who is to just glorify you, to serve you, to give you everything: all peace, all comfort – that is life companion. He will remain with you for ever. As it is said, “Now I am with you until eternity. I will never leave you nor forsake you until the end of the world.” I will keep you in my heart because your place is my heart, you are my heart. As you also feel for your child. When you have small children, you feel like keeping your children in your heart. You have love for them. Still, it is the human love. But when God Himself begins to love us- you cannot imagine how great a love He has got! God is love and love is God and he who dwells in love dwells in God.
God has to come in the garb of a human being so that he looks like you and that you can talk to him; you can love him; you can have something in common with him; you can listen to him; you can eat with him; you can walk with him and that brings you near to him. But when you are near to him, then you are also near to God. As if you are near to a wire and you touch the wire, if there is no current in the wire, you have only touched the wire, but when there is current in it you have not only touched the wire, you have also touched the electric current. When you come in contact with ordinary persons, you are just with ordinary persons, there is no effect upon you, nothing. You gain nothing. But when you come in contact with that body, which looks like other human beings, but there is God in him, awakened and working, then at once a great change is there.
Masters of the past had been also giving the people the calls of their own times. But the situation of this world changes and therefore the present Master is needed to tell us the present situation, the present message from God, which is now given by God. What God wants to tell His children now is to be told by the present agency, which is there connected to God, that he may bring his message from the Great Father to the children, humanity.
Sant Thakar Singh