The following quotes and stories are generously shared with the hope that others may feel inspired to see and hear Sant Khem Singh for themselves. More and more, people are coming to know who Sant Khem Singh truly is by following their hearts and finding themselves — intentionally or incidentally — drawn to him.
If you have a story to share about your discovery of Sant Khem Singh, please contact us. We would be happy to add your own “testimonial” to this slowly growing list of heartfelt accounts and experiences.

Following is the experience of Christian M., who owns a house in Altadena/Los Angeles where the big fire took place. He is an initiate of Sant Thakar Singh and now follows Master Khem Singh.
Hello everyone, I hope this finds you all well and safe.
I was asked to share my recent experience in the California fires with everyone, you can take from this what you like, I just wanted to report the facts. By now you’ve probably heard of the devastating fires in Los Angeles. Well, my little town of Altadena was in the eye of the storm, I never experienced anything like it.

Last Tuesday, January 7. at about 6 PM I was at a friend‘s house and received a call that our local mountain was on fire. We were experiencing hurricane force winds 80 to 100 mph (130 to 160 kph). I raced home and saw the massive flames approaching my house. I had very little time, so I had to decide what was my priority. The first thing that I raced to save was my father‘s paintings.
He was an internationally known artist and his life‘s work hangs on the walls of my house. The second thing I grabbed were financial papers that would be very difficult to replace. After that I grabbed a few clothes in a couple of bags and some photos. Lastly I grabbed a photo of myself and Georg taken with Master Thakar Singh 20 years ago, as well as a photo of Master Khem Singh smiling and giving the ‘thumbs up’.

The thing that is interesting to me is that Sant Thakar Singh thing used to say that whenever we found ourselves in extreme danger, we should do Simran. He said Simran would offer protection in ways we really couldn’t comprehend.
I have experienced this over the years in various situations and so as I raced from room to room, knowing the fire storm that was coming, I was doing oral Simran the whole time. In fact, I was shouting it. At one point, I actually opened the back door and could see the flames approaching through the trees, and I even yelled Simran at the fire, though not really sure why. But it felt proper and good.
I got in my car and raced out of that neighborhood and went to a friend‘s house across town where we spent the night watching the west side of Los Angeles burn. At about eight in the morning my phone rang and I saw there was a call from India. Surrinder was on the phone telling me that he had been informed him of the fire and that he had immediately informed Sant Khem Singh about it. Master’s message to me was that he will pray for me and that everything would be all right.
Long story short, I still have not been able to get back into my neighborhood because the US army has locked down the neighborhood due to looting and ongoing fires. BUT I have had friends who have gone by my house and driven through the neighborhood and what they have found is total destruction. Virtually no structures are standing within blocks of my house. It’s a cemetery of ash and chimneys. But what’s amazing is that even though the other structures on my property, including an office, a guesthouse, and multi-car garages, all are completely burned to the ground…the ONLY structure standing is my house! And what’s astonishing is that the fence around the little garden in back is still intact, my orange tree is untouched, my lemon tree is untouched and my entire house doesn’t have so much as a burn mark on it.
My business partner spoke with the firemen and they expressed amazement that the structure was still standing. They said that fire is very finicky and unpredictable and can do very strange movements. But even they were shaking their heads at the fact that my house had survived. My friend – who is a Thakar initiate – told them “the guy who lives here is a Bhuddist and believes in a higher power!” Hilarious, as he was sure the firemen were not ready to hear about the Path of the Masters. But he did want to give them a hint. The firemen smiled and shrugged.

I will not be able to move back in for many, many months, but I can’t help but marvel at the coincidence of me doing Simran and the house being saved. Non-initiates cannot comprehend how the Master power and the Simran might work, but when I share the story with initiates, they all smile and nod their heads.
I am safe and well and extremely lucky not just to be alive, but to be able to express my gratitude and love for all my friends and this beautiful life.
As I said earlier, I just wanted to share the story, and leave it to you to interpret it as you will.
I hope you’re all well and happy and that it’s not too long until we see each other again.
Much love in Him.
Christian M., Los Angeles
A few days after I got initiated by Sant Thakar Singh in the early 1990s, I experienced a connection with him through an unseen cord — one side was connected to me and the other side was connected to him. I was strongly attracted to him, even though I was physically distant from him.
On many occasions when going to attend Sant Thakar Singh’s Satsangs, I would see other Masters present in him. They would appear in Sant Thakar Singh, turn by turn. When sitting in the meeting room with him, I would see a silver coloured light or a very thin white light spreading all over the room. Then I would see a golden light forming above and behind Sant Thakar Singh’s head.
After Sant Thakar Sing left the body, I began to have difficult domestic family problems on a weekly basis, although I kept meditating as best I could. Then, about 5 years back, in a meeting with Surinder Rihal, I learned about Maharaj Khem Singh, and Surinder shared his experiences with me. I met with him a few times and learned more about Sant Khem Singh. One day, Surinder gave me the opportunity to talk to Maharaj Khem Singh on his mobile.

Then after few days, Surinder invited me to his residence to meet Sant Khem Singh. When I sat in the room with him, Sant Thakar Singh appeared! It was like Sant Khem Singh turned into Sant Thakar Singh, and it stayed that way for a very long time.
On another occasion, there were meetings with Sant Khem Singh at Surinder’s residence, which lasted for two days, and I had the opportunity to speak with Maharaj Khem Singh on the last day.
While returning home, I decided to test this new connection with Maharaj Khem Singh as I had done in the beginning with Sant Thakar Singh.
From this point onwards —after connecting with Sant Khem Singh— I found progress in many ways, just as I had so many years ago, after my initiation. It took many months, but day by day, week by week, month by month, everything was gradually made clear to me, just as it had been with Sant Thakar Singh. And in the last 15 months, I have found everything the same as before when Sant Thakar Singh was physically with us.
After Sant Thakar Singh left the body I felt the connection of the unseen cord broken. Now, I feel the broken cord rejoined —one end attached to me and other attached to Maharaj Khem Singh— and it feels like it did before. I experience the same attraction to Maharaj Khem Singh as I had with Sant Thakar Singh. Even the same white light spread in the meeting room with Sant Khem Singh, as well as the golden light! And slowly, slowly my domestic family problems have all started getting solved too.
In the past, whenever I got the chance to be near Sant Thakar Singh, I would get some very special experiences, radiation, vibration and feelings. Now, the exact same experiences have finally started again.
—Amit Airen, India

Over and many times over, Sant Thakar Singh appears to me during Maharaj Khem Singh’s Satsangs, occluding his visage and showing me clearly, vividly and plainly that it is he who is working now in the body of Maharaj Khem Singh.
His Satsangs, which focus heavily on the importance of the inner Sound, are like drinking at an oasis after being in a desert for years.
My soul finally feels at home again with Maharaj Khem Singh, in whom I see Sant Thakar Singh working with strong, strong love.
—James Carruthers, Canada
How the Master Sant Khem Singh drew me to him.
My friend told me about Sant Khem Singh and I immediately felt that he was the right Master for me.

There was no doubt. I also immediately felt connected to him and felt accepted. That night I felt his love and he once said to me, “I am here for you.”
I must add that there was a back story. I was with another master for seven years. In 2021, this power was slowly disappearing and at some point it was gone completely. I felt lost and saw no more meaning in my life, sometimes I didn’t want to live at all. I did not understand at that time.
Until I came to Sant Khem Singh. After my friend told me about him, I watched the Satsang. And felt the master power. And felt enveloped by it. Once he smiled at me too. Of course I got initiated as soon as possible. A few weeks after the initiation I got a job that really suits me very well and also fits the physical limitations. The Master did that well.
—Carolin Curant, Austria
When my beloved Master Sant Thakar Singh left this world, it was very difficult for me.
Soon after my Master’s leaving, I heard about a Master who was in India and meditated a lot and who could possibly be the successor. Today I know that it was about Sant Khem Singh.
But I did not care any more, because another Master was already introduced to me, whom I thought was the successor of Sant Thakar Singh. I was allowed to serve this Master in many ways for 18 years.
Little by little I noticed that somehow I lost a lot of energy. I did not know what was wrong with me. I also had a hard time keeping up with my meditations, etc. I also felt very bad very often.

Years later, through a friend who sent me a short film of Sant Khem Singh, I found out that Sant Khem Singh is very similar to the Master Sant Thakar Singh. But I was of the opinion that I was with the right Master, whose name I do not want to mention here.
I watched this little video again and again. As I said, I thought I was on the right path anyway.
Then by chance I discovered satsangs of Sant Khem Singh in YouTube. I watched them again and again. My interest grew.
Then I found out that there is a possibility to get in contact with the Master Sant Khem Singh. Which I did, because of problems I had.
At the moment I am writing these lines, I am so overwhelmed that tears are coming up.
When I came in contact with Sant Khem Singh, I was so overwhelmed and felt such a power that reminded me so much of Sant Thakar Singh. I would even say that the power was much stronger.
After the talk I sat down to meditate and cried, and cried, and felt as if I had lost 18 years.
I would have liked to run out and shout to the world: “HE IS IT, HE IS IT…..HE IS THE TRUE MASTER”.
I am not exaggerating with these words, because I really cannot express it in words.
There is so much love and power coming from him.
This is my personal experience that no one can take away from me.
—Irmgard (Irmi) Edinger, Germany

Through Barbara, my long-time friend and companion on the journeys to and with our beloved Master Sant Thakar Singh, I heard about Sant Khem Singh in November 2019.
I experienced a changed Barbara, who could laugh again and radiated joy when she told about the Master Sant Khem Singh.
When I saw and heard Him myself, I felt again the love I felt with my Master Sant Thakar Singh.
Last year I needed help in my worldly decision and HE helped me and gave me security.
The love and help is felt every day and I can only thank my beloved
Master Sant Thakar Singh from my heart that HE sent us this loving Sant Khem Singh. I would also like to thank our Master Sant Kirpal Singh from the bottom of my heart, who has accompanied and protected me from my childhood.
With much love to you all, Marlene greets you.
—Marlene Flor, Spain

I was able to meet Master Khem Singh in 2019 during a video conference and was most impressed by him. He reminded me very much of my master Sant Thakar Singh. He invited us – there were four of us – to come to India to meet him. Which we did about 1 month later. The visit dispelled all my concerns, I was so lovingly welcomed, accompanied and was so attracted by his charisma that my eyes did not want to look away from him.
The personal encounter touched me deeply. When I left, besides the new experiences, so many experiences with my old master Thakar had come up, I had the impression that he, Master Khem starts where my old master left. Since then I am convinced for myself that this is the real mantle of my old master Sant Thakar Singh.
—Barbara von Wirén, Germany