The term Satsang means so much more than spiritual discourse, lecture or public talk. Its meaning is very deep. In his talks, Sant Khem Singh gives us glimpses into the meaning, value and importance of Satsang:
“…and if he finds a Saint, then he should attend his satsangs. In satsang he will get to understand the secret of human life: why have we come into this world as humans; and what can we as humans do to get that eternal happiness…
“…That is why satsang is very important for us. When we start attending satsang, our karmas get cleansed from the first day itself; and one gets the tool that one needs on this path ahead…”
Sant Khem Singh, April 18, 2021
Information Booklet: theory, biography, transcribed talks and more…

An information booklet about inner Light and Sound meditation. It contains an introduction to the Path Of The Masters, a brief biography of Sant Khem Singh and two Satsangs, as well as a glossary of terms. Finally, it also contains some additional information to refer to if the reader is interested learning more.

Eine Informationsbroschüre über die Meditation des inneren Lichts und Tons. Sie enthält eine Einführung in den Pfad der Meister, eine kurze Biographie von Sant Khem Singh und zwei Satsangs sowie ein Glossar. Schließlich enthält sie auch einige zusätzliche Informationen, die der Leser zu Rate ziehen kann, wenn er mehr erfahren möchte.
A brief selection of transcribed talks by Sant Khem Singh
These talks are also available in a PDF brochures, above.
Satsang by Sant Khem Singh
So, it is being said that a man is busy in gathering things…and he is wandering around assuming that perhaps the Supreme Lord is sitting somewhere over there, or hovering in skies, or residing in heaven, or maybe he dwells in Kaaba…
Satsang by Sant Khem Singh
On the occasion of Maharaj ji’s birth anniversary, I extend my greetings to everyone…heartiest congratulations that you got to know that human manifestation of the supreme power, who came to this world to bestow upon us the experiences of Light (= jyoti)…
The Books of Sant Kirpal Singh, freely available to all…
I have written books without any copyright—no rights
reserved—because it is a Gift of God, given by God, as much
as sunlight; other gifts of God are also free.from a talk by Kirpal Singh at Santa Clara University, San Jose, California on November 16, 1972

These fifteen intimate question and answer sessions from the summer of 1974 are affectionately known as “The Last Darshan Talks”.

A collection of talks given between September 19’69 and December 1971.

An in-depth study of the Celestial Sound Current or God into Expression Power called variously: Naam, Word, Music of the Spheres, Shabd, etc.