What is Initiation?
Initiation means to begin or start. In this context we refer to the first step on the spiritual path: the process by which the Master-power removes the veil in front of the inner ear and the inner eye and removes the causes (karma) for further lives (reincarnations) in this world. In addition, the Master-power remains with the soul, guiding us towards self-knowledge and God-realization from the very moment of initiation.
The process of initiation may be conveyed through Sant Khem Singh personally or through an authorized representative. During the initiation, the soul is directly reconnected with its own higher self in the original form of Light and Sound. Some theory regarding life as soul and the inner, spiritual regions is given, followed by two meditation sittings: the meditation of Light and also the meditation of listening to the holy Sound Current within. There is never any charge to receive this meditation instruction.

One maintains his/her family situation, job, religion, customs, and other worldly connections and responsibilities. It is not necessary to go to some mountain or into seclusion to find God. In fact, the Masters have always stressed “man-making,” which is to fully maintain one’s outer responsibilities while walking the spiritual path.
Is there a difference between initiation conveyed by the Master and initiation conveyed by an authorized representative?
The initiation is a spiritual practice that is done by the Master-power. Therefore, it makes no difference if the Master is physically present to give the initiation himself, or if it is done through an authorized initiating representative.