Master Khem Singh often begins his talks with a song. Sometimes he spontaneously sings in the middle of his talks too. Although he sings in Indian languages — Gurmukhi, Punjabi, Hindi and even Sanskrit — listeners of all cultures and languages can enjoy the pure, devotional power of these hymns, as sung from the heart of a True Saint and lover of God.
When we are doing light meditation and the Master is singing, where should we put our attention? Sant Khem Singh advised that when you concentrate at the third eye you will also concentrate automatically on his voice.
The singing is for the benefit of your [inner] sight, but you should concentrate here on your third eye. It will help you in your light meditation. Do Simran during the singing.
Sant Khem Singh
Retreat 2024, Sant Khem Singh Songs: June 19, morning & evening
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Master sings: Oh my mind, take the darshan of the guru. You are my only support in this world. Do meditaiton on the nam and just remember it every day. You are my only support in this world. Of all the others here, only the guru is your true friend here. And they are only here to take something from you, to take benefits from you. Oh my mind, take the darshan of the guru. Why are you indulging in all of these worldly things. Without the sat guru, there is no peace and joy. You couldn’t make full use of this body. This body is only given to you to sing about the guru’s qualities. Oh my mind, take the darshan of the guru.
Master sings: Guru is the king of all the saints. All pains will go far, when you take his Naam. When you meditate on his Naam. In the evening
Master sings: my guru dev, my giver, please fulfill this life of mine. So that my birth may be fulfilled. I have given my life to you, please fill it with love and affection. Guru dev my giver. Please fulfill this life so that this birth is complete. May I not go beyond your hukam, your will. Your orders. I will worship you in this life. I offer my life to you. And I will obey your will and your orders. Make my life successful I will colour my mind with your blessings. You take all my ego and shortcomings. Fulfill my life. Guru dev is my giver. May my life be such, that it is for you, and not for myself. My body mind and money are yours. I will do seva with all of these, for others. Guru dev my giver. Fulfill my life to completion. Whosoever hate me, I will love them too. Whosoever does bad to me, may I also forgive them. Make this complete. Make it so. Guru dev my giver.
At the end of the Satsang Maharaj ji sings: Dear little bird of this cage, lets fly out of here This world is not mine. This world belongs to others. So you have forgotten that fresh air, and sitting on different branches, So it is written in your will that you have to learn to die so you may begin to live, to learn to die while living. So you forget to fly to different branches. Who will ask for the garden, if he doesn’t have his gardener. It is written in your will to die while living. So fly away, oh little bird. This world belongs to others. You have sung songs together with other friends and you made promises to them, to take the blessings of those. And lets fly from here now. This world is not mine, it belongs to others. I dont know when you will come again to this world, so lets fly out of here. This world belongs to others.
Retreat 2024, Sant Khem Singh Songs: June 18, morning & evening
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Master sings in the morning: We have come here and then we go from here and finish this whole procedure here. For me day and night, I have to cry. We have come here and we go empty handed. I have taken care of my heart so long, and that heart has become the beloved. We only have to believe in the truth and connect to the truth. And the truth you will find from the saints.
Master sings in the evening: You have heard a beautiful shabd, my beloved, I tell the condition of my mind. The mind is very strong. Sometimes it is not controlled. It is running so fast. It’s hard to control it. Then it is said to be like a fish, the fish lives in the river, in the water, and it runs so fast in the water and can’t come under control. This mind won’t be controlled without the shabd. Only with the sound is there peace and serenity. Kal also gets blessings and joy in the feet of the master. Kal is also suffering in the world and he also gets bliss at the feet of the master. The human mind is not controlled. If you make a mistake and deceive someone or get deceived by someone, then only the sound current is helpful and you get joy.
Retreat 2024, Sant Khem Singh Songs: June 17, morning & evening
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Master sings in the morning: O wake up early in the morning and do meditation, otherwise you will repent. Mind will repent when the end will come. You have collected lots of sins and filled this body with that. And you have to go to a far place. As you sow, so shall you reap. Nobody will be with you. Ram Naam and sound fill this treasure in your self. Satguru Thakar has also said this. Only you can fulfill your life and be successful by listening to the sound current. When the birds will eat all your crops, then what will you do. Then you will regret it. The light has lit and that thread has finished. Nobody will show you the way. Wake up, and do meditation, don’t fall asleep all the time. Otherwise you will regret it when death comes. This world is not ours, it is of others. Always. This body is like a boat of paper. When the rain will come, it will dissolve into it. This world is for a few days only. When the fire will come, it will burn. This body is made of thorns. You will destroy yourself in this.
Master sings in the evening: This body is like a sheet, and this is around our soul, it is very thin, so we should keep it clean. Nine and ten planes-realms are in this sheet. And oh foolish one, you make it dirty. It is so pure. Sudama has also wrapped that sheet of love around him And Krishna made that sheet pure. Kabir also wrapped that sheet around him and that was so full of love and affection of God. Kabir kept that sheet very clean. But we are staining it so much by doing bad deeds. So we should take care and live a virtuous life. And we should think, what should life be? How can we live a more virtuous life. In the Sat Yuga, if even the treasure is lying outside, nobody touches it. Now if people find a rich man, burglars might cut his throat.
Retreat 2024, Sant Khem Singh Song: June 16, morning
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Master sings: Guru is dev mother, he is dev father. Guru deva mother, guru dev father. Guru is mother and father. And friend. And beloved. Guru is from the beginning, and he is meditating the Naam given by master. When I come under his shelter, he is competent and merciful. I cannot know all of his full size, for guru is god. From the beginning, you look after us. So, guru is the mother and father, he is friend and beloved. So the guru is everything, he is brother, father, mother, god, he is everything. Who has created all the world. He is sitting in everyone inside. I may think I am the doer, that is am speaking or doing ,but he is the doer. He is the creator in everyone, in every soul. In every jiva. People are going to temples and singing some Artis there, it is written in that, you cannot be seen with these eyes. You mother father for all. You may get rid of all poisons, and go to his feet. And do service to the saints. So may call me whatever you want, mother father, beloved, friend, but he is ONe. He is the One, he is god, in everyone. So love all, nobody is stranger All is one. He has never differentiated with anyone, he made us all the same.
Retreat 2024, Sant Khem Singh Songs: June 10, 11, 14 and 15
India, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Song: Jan. 21
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O Guru, I bow at your feet, please give me a place at your feet, please accept me at your feet……….Oh Guru, please forgive me and accept me. Whatever I am, whether I am a sinner or a greedy person, but, O Guru, I belong to You. I am full of sorrows, please free me from all the sins…..Please give me a place at your feet
India, 2023, Sant Khem Singh Song: Dec. 17
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Whoever gets the sight of God, he is the only human being. The one who fills his stomach is just like an animal. Whoever gets the sight of God, is the only human being. The world is living in such an ignorance and considers this world as its home, but they do not know, that they are the guest here only for few days. Here even if you will the Lanka of Gold. (Lanka is said to be a city of gold which was constructed by Lord Ravena in the ancient India). Even if you build such a city which is fully made up of gold, it is of no use. The ultimate destination of everyone is the graveyard. Whoever gets the sight of God, he is the only human being.
India, 2023, Sant Khem Singh Song: Nov. 23
India, 2023, Sant Khem Singh Song on Occasion of Sant Thakar Singh’s Birthday: April 1
India, 2022, Sant Khem Singh Song, “Beauty of God: Sep. 18
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The world is passing away, we are only guests here. Reality lies within. God can only be found within through meditation.
India, 2021, Sant Khem Singh Song: Nov. 9
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Arise and meditate, else the mind will regret at the end Arise and meditate! Fill the cup with ambrosial nectar (sound current/ Lord’s naam), We don’t belong here Listen to it and make your life successful Sayeth, Saint Thakar ji ……… Erhebe dich und meditiere, sonst wird das Gemüt es am Ende bereuen Erhebe dich und meditiere! Fülle den Becher mit ambrosischem Nektar (Klangstrom/ Naam des Herrn), Wir gehören nicht hierher Höre es und mache dein Leben erfolgreich Sagt, Sant Thakar Singh ji