Discourses with English Translation
Retreat Germany, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Talks
Today is a beautiful moment, this is a beautiful time. This day is a very precious day. Today is Sant Kabir’s birthday. God comes in the form of saints. There is not a single moment when there is not a saint on this earth… Saints save us. Why does God have to come in a…
Retreat Germany, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Talks
My mind is frightened. But he, the Guru, ends all my pain… for he bestows good upon us and blesses us… As long as we do not know ourselves, we cannot solve the mystery of life. We must understand ourselves, know ourselves. Until then our heart cannot be freed from suffering. Sant Khem Singh
Retreat Germany, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Talks
If we come to know, that what is the purpose of life. What is the true path. Then we find the way to make our life successful. If we can reach his feet, the feet of the guru, then there will be no shortcomings. Only the guru can give you joy. And that is forever.…
Retreat Germany, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Talks
Morning Talk Dear souls, this song explains in a sweet way that the mind only wants luxury. That is its habit. We cannot get rid of the mind. It won’t let us out of its clutches. It is hard to let it go. If we free ourselves from this mind, then we can be successful…
संत खेम सिंह द्वारा हिंदी-अंग्रेजी वीडियो सत्संग
Part One The Sound is a plant and the Light is a plant, and if we let it grow, then we find the true God, sach khand. There is so much joy and love in Sach Khand. And it never ends. It is eternal and infinite. And to get this bliss you have to complete…
Retreat Germany 2024: Hindi-English Video Satsang by Sant Khem Singh
Part One Our blindness can only be removed when we start working on the path of truth….meditate on inner light and sound regularly, live a very simple life…..Joy will only come when you have love and affection among the family members……Im Ramayana it is told, that all these brothers were having much love and affection…
Retreat Germany, 2024, Sant Khem Singh Morning Satsang
Why do the Gurus come here? Why do the Masters come here? To bless you, to give you peace, to give you joy. Sant Khem Singh When you are incarnated as birds or animals, you can do nothing. A stone can do nothing. Only in the human body can we meditate and find God. Sant…
Remembrance of Sant Thakar Singh
In love, serve one another. The nature of man is to be with people who share their hearts. Real Love is independent of any relationship or connection. Love should be the criterion of live of the human being. Any person who is not working through God is always selfish. Love is totally to be independent…
The Most Significant Thing For A Human Being
So the most significant thing for a human being is that if he wants to find the God, if he wishes to know the God, if he desires to be in bliss, then he should start looking for a saint/ a mahatma…
Satsang by Sant Khem Singh On the Occasion of Sant Kirpal Singh’s birthday
The language of the heart: Be sincere and kind to everyone, be serious and honest with yourself, be good to others and do them good, make others happy, comfort the sick and suffering, serve the poor and needy. Love God and all of His creation, even those who are not aware of this, for all…