संत खेम सिंह द्वारा हिंदी-अंग्रेजी वीडियो सत्संग

Part One

The Sound is a plant and the Light is a plant, and if we let it grow, then we find the true God, sach khand. There is so much joy and love in Sach Khand. And it never ends. It is eternal and infinite. And to get this bliss you have to complete 3 courses, one is dhyan – which is undivided attention to the third eye, the other is simran, the remembrance of God in 5 names – and the third is the sound current, listening to the sound current. When you have completed all these courses, you begin to fly out of this body and wander around in the higher dimensions and come back here.

संत खेम सिंह

Part Two

God’s light shines all the time, it is eternal, it needs no pot or oil or thread.
The light is there, illuminating everything and everyone.
So love everyone, we are all one. And this light is in each of us.
So who teaches us to quarrel? How can we quarrel when we are all one!
Rama said: Love all. He also said this. If we start loving everyone, then there will be no shortcomings and your meditations will be successful.
Learn to die so that you learn to live. You are the temple of God.

संत खेम सिंह
