Today is a beautiful moment, this is a beautiful time. This day is a very precious day. Today is Sant Kabir’s birthday. God comes in the form of saints. There is not a single moment when there is not a saint on this earth… Saints save us. Why does God have to come in a dirty body? They come only to bless this world. That’s how Saint Kabir came that day.
Sant Khem Singh
June 22, Part 2: Question & Answer Talk
From the beginning and to the end, there is only one God. He is always and forever. Guru is not a body. Guru is truth. And Guru of the universe is only ONE. So Guru Nanak says only worship ONE. Why do we worship others who live and die? If we worship him, we get all. That is the worship of everything. Guru is everything. Guru is the Word. Guru is not the body. He is the Sound Current. And with Sound Current the world comes into existence, and may come into destruction too.
Sant Khem Singh